As we get settled into 2016, it also marks the anniversary of our first photoshoot. When the time came to create our first lookbook, I was very concerned on getting the right model to set the tone of the brand. It was important for me to get someone who could not only vibe with the team but understand the brand and relate to the message. All our boxes were checked when we met, Lauren Mary Kim. Since this first shoot, I look upon the pictures pretty often and still can’t believe how lucky we got when she said she would gladly put up with us!
Since the time of our shoot, Lauren has been pretty busy traveling, training, and working on some kick ass gigs! We couldn’t be more happier for her and the awesome projects she has worked on. It was amazing to catch her on the big screen last summer along side Michelle Rodriguez and Ronda Rousey on Fast and Furious 7. After we collectively freaked out watching her kick butt, we knew we had to share her story with our Kali crew.
Name: Lauren Mary Kim
Location: Resides in Sherman oaks, CA. She just returned from a 4 month project in NY.
What do you do for a living?
Professional stuntwoman.
How did you get into this career?
I was a professional dancer, got bored one day with dance and decided to take a gymnastic class. Met some guys that were stunt men and told me about the business. Then I started training and over time started working in the industry.

What is your go to workout at the moment?
Kali ( Filipino martial arts) (Total coincidence here, we swear!)
Favorite healthy meal/Favorite cheat meal?
Healthy meals for me are wraps and kale salads, farro salads. Any creative salads and brown rice sushi.
Cheat meals are pizza with prosciutto, ice cream, cupcakes, anything at foodie restaurants and fusion restaurants. I love food!
You worked on the huge blockbuster hit Fast and Furious 7 movie last year. How was working with Michelle Rodriguez and Ronda Rousey for that one particular Dubai fight scene?
It was truly a humbling experience. Ronda is a world class champion and it was great to see how disciplined she is with her training and food intake. I really admire this about her and really look up to her in so many ways. Both had a great attitude and not your typical Hollywood girls. They are humble, super easy going, and awesome to work with. Michelle is light hearted and has super fun energy. Working on Fast 7 was Definitely a highlight in my career.

What/who is your daily motivator?
Guru Dan Inosanto. He is my fma and silat instructor. He is an admiration to many across the world (KA side note: If you are not familiar with martial arts; Mr. Inosanto is highly revered in the industry and was a teacher and student to Bruce Lee)
He has taught me that there are no wrong ways to do anything and to respect other people and other martial arts equally. He has so much compassion towards others and he is just a positive light. He will always find a way to compliment you even if you may not be the best in a certain skill.
Also my husband. He is one of the most kind hearted and patient people I have ever met and he makes me want to be a better person everyday.
What are the current projects you are working on?
Top secret one in NYC. But I can tell you in April 2015 when it airs! This job will probably be my new highlight in my career.
Any actors or stunt teams you would like to work with in the near future?
I'm grateful for any opportunity I may come across. Whatever is meant to be is what is meant to be.
Any long term goals you are most passionate about working on?
Currently, learning/producing my own projects in hopes to produce full time. Creating content that helps evolve the world in a positive light. Working with people with the same mind set; anti hollywood corporate structure would be a dream job!

Photographer: Anna Sian
Photography Team: Mike Bellavia & Dushyant Singh
Location: Box N Burn Santa Monica, CA